Ronniet Orlando MMTA

Contact Information
Winthrop, Western Australia 6150, Australia
Online or Mobile lessons
Detailed Information

Ronniet Orlando is a qualified and experience violin teacher, offering violin lessons from her studio in Winthrop, Perth WA. She is an Accredited Teaching Member of the West Australian Music Teachers’ Association.

Ronniet has always been a musician, as well as initially studying and working as an Occupational Therapist.

After raising a family, she completed classical music studies at WAAPA, followed by a psychology degree. Her subsequent PhD compared the therapeutic benefit of live to recorded music.

Ronniet Orlando has a busy teaching and performing life as a violinist, as well as singing in a chamber choir. She specialises in students with special needs, jazz and improvisation. Ronniet also offers therapeutic music for children and adults in a variety of settings, including respite care, nursing homes and hospitals.


  • Advanced Diploma of Performing Arts (Music)
  • PhD in neuroscience of music